Thursday, August 18, 2011

Becoming a runner. . .

Through most of my life I have "battled the bulge"! It is not fun, but I have made unhealthy choices in my eating and lack of consistent exercise that perpetuated my yo-yo weight. When I was 30 I was probably at my lowest weight since high school and in really good shape! Unfortunately, I did not keep good eating habits or exercise habits so over the next 8 years I continued to gain weight.
In June, 2010 my husband and I joined 24 hour fitness. I thought "this is it, I'm finally going to get motivated to lose weight and get in shape". Unfortunately I let things get in the way of a consistent workout schedule and was not successful in my goal. I am not giving up though! My husband and I renewed our memberships and I am determined to get healthy and in shape! Since May 2011 I have began running. I am at the point where I working on increasing the distance of my run and training for my first 10K. I ran my firt 5K in June and finished 3rd in my division (athena for women over 150 lbs). Since then I have tried to stay active doing lots of hiking on my vacation to Colorado. When I was in Maine I only pushed myself to go out and run once, but did do some hiking and biking while I was there so not a total loss. :)
Now since school has started back up (I'm a teacher), it has been hard to find the energy to run after the long work days. I did make myself go to the gym last night and ran 2.5 miles on the treadmill followed by sit ups. I'm still working on getting into a consistent schedule. I've got to make getting in shape and healthy priority #1!
I am planning on adding to this blog regularly to update my progress. I'll even post pics every now and then. Thanks for checking in! :)

1 comment:

Stacey said...

It will be so nice for us to keep each other focused on our training. It will be fun to run races together. Maybe at some point we will be the same pace and can really run together. No matter what, I am happy that we are going through the "getting healthy" journal together.