Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Well, over the weekend I went on a 15 mile bike ride with my sister and nephew. It was a lot of fun! The weather was perfect! I even made sure to get some bike shorts so my behind would not be so sore after the ride! :) They worked! I'm trying to stay on track this week. So far I mowed the lawn on Monday- that counts as a stretch and strengthen day. :) Today I still need to get in a 3 mile run. It's getting kind of dark so I'm thinking I'll be heading to the gym as soon as I post this. A little too dark to run outside. Well, better go run before it gets too late. I'll post again later in the week and update my progress.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

First week of school & still training!

Well, I have completed my first full week of school and have managed to stay on track with my training! I had my best distance so far with running 2.5 miles without walking. Of course this was on a treadmil, but I'm on my way! :) I am so looking forward to some cooler weather so I can run outside. I really don't like running in such hot weather outside. I'm am keeping motivated by keeping my 10K race on Oct 1st in mind. My husband is out of town for the next month so I have no excuses to not make it to the gym or get in my miles! I'll keep you posted on my progress! My long run this weekend is 3 miles! Not sure if I'll do that today or tomorrow. :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Becoming a runner. . .

Through most of my life I have "battled the bulge"! It is not fun, but I have made unhealthy choices in my eating and lack of consistent exercise that perpetuated my yo-yo weight. When I was 30 I was probably at my lowest weight since high school and in really good shape! Unfortunately, I did not keep good eating habits or exercise habits so over the next 8 years I continued to gain weight.
In June, 2010 my husband and I joined 24 hour fitness. I thought "this is it, I'm finally going to get motivated to lose weight and get in shape". Unfortunately I let things get in the way of a consistent workout schedule and was not successful in my goal. I am not giving up though! My husband and I renewed our memberships and I am determined to get healthy and in shape! Since May 2011 I have began running. I am at the point where I working on increasing the distance of my run and training for my first 10K. I ran my firt 5K in June and finished 3rd in my division (athena for women over 150 lbs). Since then I have tried to stay active doing lots of hiking on my vacation to Colorado. When I was in Maine I only pushed myself to go out and run once, but did do some hiking and biking while I was there so not a total loss. :)
Now since school has started back up (I'm a teacher), it has been hard to find the energy to run after the long work days. I did make myself go to the gym last night and ran 2.5 miles on the treadmill followed by sit ups. I'm still working on getting into a consistent schedule. I've got to make getting in shape and healthy priority #1!
I am planning on adding to this blog regularly to update my progress. I'll even post pics every now and then. Thanks for checking in! :)